Auktion 1


Erlesene Auswahl an hochwertigen Münzen von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit

The Roman Republic Numerius Fabius Pictor


Schätzpreis 400 CHF
Zuschlag 470 CHF

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Denarius. 126 BC, Rome. 3.74 g. 16.60 mm. 12h
Obv. Helmeted head of Roma to right; mark of value behind.
Rev. The Flamen Quirinalis: Q. Fabius Pictor, seated to left, holding apex and spear, with shield at side inscribed QVIRIN in two lines; N•FABI to right, PICTOR to left.
Crawford 268/1a; Sydenham 517; RSC Fabia 11.
A very rare variety without the control mark on obverse. Deep old cabinet tone. Almost Extremely Fine.
Ex. From the RBW Collection (NAC Auction 61, 2011, Lot 1079).
Ex. Empire Coins sale 4, 1985, Lot 197.